Sunday, July 19, 2009

Luxury is Easy to Find

Tonight is an easy entry. I had a pretty simple day with my husband and young son, Elliot. It was Elliot's first trip to the beach that likely made an impression on him. He's 14 months old now, and he finally fit into his spiffy swim trunks and looked darn cute in his floppy beach hat.

As a new mom, I relentlessly chased him around the shore with sunscreen while dad helped him walk along the waves hitting the beach. The water was too cold for him to go in much further, only the daring older kids who aren't old enough to realize it is truly freezing, were in the water. After stopping at Reny's in Camden to pick up our jelly-bean-colored beach umbrella, we headed to Lucia beach not far from our home in Owls Head. Granted, Crocketts Beach is just at the end of our road, but I was ready to brave the crowds who were out in full force to enjoy the heat and sun that has seemingly taken forever to arrive this year.

As I watched my husband and son build Elliot's first sand hump, complete with rocks and pebbles, I reflected upon how lucky I am. Covered in sand and zinc, my young son was feeling absolute luxury, squinting up at me in delight as he realized "the beach" like never before in his life.

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